When flying commercial, can vultures bring their carrion?
If a dinosaur has
If a dinosaur has an extensive vocabulary, is it a Thesaurus?
The puppy had an accident
The puppy had an accident on the back seat floor-mat, and lost his car pet privileges.
Surprised to be milked
Surprised to be milked, the cow was in udder disbelief.
Waiting to be eaten
Waiting to be eaten by a Grizzly? Bear with.
Vegan Dog Biscuits
Are vegan dog biscuits made of collie flour?
Tune a Guitar
“You can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish. Unless of course, you play bass.”
– Douglas Adams
Giant Snails
Where do you find giant snails?
On the ends of giants’ fingers.
Call a Fish
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A fsh.
If You Heard It
If you heard it from the horse’s mouth you listened to a neigh sayer.