How do you comfort a grammar nazi?
Say, “there, their, they’re.”
You’re prettier than the Venus de Milo
“You’re prettier than the Venus de Milo,”
he said disarmingly.
I tried to make a belt out of watches
I tried to make a belt out of watches,
but it was a waist of time.
The fellows carrying the casket
The fellows carrying the casket
at the pharmacist’s funeral could be called pill bearers.
Did you hear about the guy who told that awful pun?
Did you hear about the guy who told that awful pun?
Yeah, he was punished.
Yikes! My fingernails are getting so long
Yikes! My fingernails are getting so long,
they’re growing out of hand!
Why does Peter Pan fly?
Why does Peter Pan fly?
Because he neverlands!
I would’ve kept off the grass
I would’ve kept off the grass,
but I don’t understand sign language.
Most jokes that pilots tell
Most jokes that pilots tell
go way over my head.
There’s a professional boxer at my office
There’s a professional boxer at my office.
He works in shipping.