Alarms: What an octopus is.
A Man’s Home
A man’s home is his castle,
in a manor of speaking.
A Man Drowned
A man drowned in a bowl of muesli.
A strong currant pulled him in.
Lots of Money
Lots of money is tainted.
It taint yours and it taint mine.
A Grenade Thrown
A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in linoleum blown apart.
April 1
It’s April 1, no pun today.
No fooling.
Years Ago
Years ago, I worked as a welder.
It was not riveting.
Were journalists in ancient Rome and Greece called “Columnists?”
Wooden Shoe Factory
I used to work in the Dutch wooden shoe factory,
until the machine got all clogged up.
Miner Helmets
Those miner helmets make me feel lightheaded.